Monday, November 16, 2015


Complete 4 Rounds for time of:
Run 500m
6 Power snatch 95 lbs/65lbs
21 Front Squats w/ Sandbag
Post the number of round to comments:
Compare to: 150821

"Living the Dream in Chile" - CrossFit Journal [video]

Greg Glassman on "Exercise is Medicine" - [video]

1 comment:

R. Davis said...

20:41 & feeling like a ba-bam superstar!! Shaved 8 min. & 50 sec off from last time. Jumped 300x instead of 500m run, power snatch 35#. Scraped the snot out of my shins trying to do the lift correctly. I knew I nailed it when the bar practically flew out of my hands. Should easily be able to do 45-55# next time.