Monday, October 20, 2014


In 15 minutes, complete the following:

Run 800m
21-15-9 reps of:
Power Clean (95#/65#), Front Squats (95#/65#), shoulder to overhead (95#/65#)

In the remaining time, perform max rep of burpees over the barbell.
Post the number of Burpees Completed.

Enlarge image [medium] [large]
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: CrossFit High Performance, CrossFit Ranch, CrossFit Carbon, CrossFit North Atlanta, CrossFit Mayhem, CrossFit SoCal, CrossFit Hampton Roads, CrossFit EaDo, University of Nevada CrossFit, CrossFit New West, Reebok CrossFit 33100, Reebok CrossFit Parma, CrossFit Original Addicts, CrossFit Modiin, CrossFit Life Performance, CrossFit Sentinel Avenue, CrossFit Jozi, Punk CrossFit, CrossFit 1810.
CrossFit Level 2 Certificate Courses: Atlas CrossFit, Peak 360 CrossFit, Reebok CrossFit Plaza Condesa, Reebok CrossFit 3D, Southern CrossFit, CrossFit Chiwoo.
CrossFit Competitor's Course: CrossFit FRA, CrossFit STHLM (Stockholm).
CrossFit Kids Course: CrossFit Rocks.

"Squat Fix: Falling Backward" - CrossFit Journal [article]


Mike Livergood said...

10 Burpees
Matt, 15 to 5 shoulder to overhead

JK said...

800m+21reps of each @55#+15PC+7FS (55#)

Jordan said...

3 left on last set of S-OH (55#)

Anonymous said...

32 burpees. That was tough. Enjoyed it
