Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Three rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-ups
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
12 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Power clean, 15 reps

Chris Spealler 9:45, Kevin Montoya 13:33, Kristan Clever 13:59 (16lb ball, 95lb clean), Brandon Phillips 17:18, Lance Cantu 18:36, Jeremy Thiel 19:47, Lindsey Smith 20:13 (14lb ball, 95lb clean), Laura Demarco 20:59 (14lb ball, 95lb clean).
Post time to comments.

Emily is back from break, attacking another BU CrossFit WOD.

"Nutrition Prep Day with the Chans: Part 1" with Matt and Cherie Chan,CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"Tahoe Throwdown: Rogue Vs. Again Faster Part 2" by Sevan Matossian, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

The 2011 CrossFit Games: July 29-31 at the Home Depot Center with a $1 Million total purse and $250K first prize thanks to Reebok.

Brandon Phillips and Laura Demarco on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

"Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin, 1722


Mike Livergood said...

23:27 rx'd

Mel said...

34:48 BHSP-Pull-Dips-95lb

Micah said...


Reg pullups/dips; 25lb plate instead of ball.

(elbow and back still an issue)

Mike Livergood said...

micah, how did you catch the plate?

Emily said...


12 jp, 14 lb., HSPU, 65 lb