Monday, October 15, 2012


Complete as many rounds in 25 minutes as you can of:
7 Muscle-ups
155 pound Thruster, 11 reps
14 Toes-to-bar
Post rounds completed to comments.
Enlarge image
U.S. Army First Lieutenant Thomas M. Martin, 27, of Ward, Arkansas, assigned to the 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, based in Fort Richardson, Alaska, died on October 14, 2007 in Al Busayifi, Iraq, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire. He is survived by his parents, Edmund and Candis Martin; sisters Sarah Hood, Becky Martin, and Laura Martin; fiancee, Erika Noyes; and grandmother, E. Jean Martin.

WOD Demo with Adrian Bozman - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Extended workout footage - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Posted by Pukie at 5:00 PM | Comments (75)


Mike Livergood said...

4 rounds 2mu with 115 thrusters.

JK said...

4 Rds + 21 each of jPU/dip combo + 1 Thruster @ 65#

Micah said...

Marathon Prep: 2 mi hill course; 19:41

WOD: 6 rounds (reg p-up/dip, thruster as rx'd)

Zarko Brankovic said...

4 rds + 1 mu (135lb)

Zarko Brankovic said...

4 rds + 1 mu (135lb)

JC said...

4 rds 135 lb