Thursday, October 11, 2012


7 rounds for time of:

Front Squat 7 reps 135/95 lbs
Run 200m (Out to the fire hydrant and back)

Post time to Comments: 120613 

Enlarge image
Baby Juniper.

The Village of Boyani, Kenya - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

"Fat of the Land: Mismeasures and Missing the Point" by Dr. Lon Kilgore, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]


JK said...

15:18 (65#) completed entire WOD outside Temp 34*F East wind 3mph
13 June 2012 17:26 (65#)
completed entire WOD outside Temp mid 70s

Unknown said...

11:20 Completed 45#s

Unknown said...

11:20 Completed 45#s