Tuesday, October 31, 2017


For Time:
Run 400m
50 Push ups
40 Squats
30 SDHP 65lbs
20 Kettle Bell Swings 24k/16k
10 Walking Lunges 45lbs
20 Kettle Bell Swings 24k/16k
30 SDHP 65lbs
40 Squats
50 Push ups
Run 400m

Post time to comments:


R. Davis said...

It was either 21:55 or 22:55.. I can't remember if I rounded the time up to 22 in my head or not. Modified beyond recognition--rowed 400m, knee push-ups, 30lbs hanging SDHP, green KB, & I didn't see that weight was required for the walking lunges until just now...lovely.

Mike Livergood said...
