Friday, July 17, 2015


Complete 10 rounds for time of:
Sprint 60 yards
10 Deadlifts 115/75lbs
10 Hand release push ups
Post time to comments:

Michael Hernandez, Mt. Baldy, California.

"Snatch, Handstand Walk and Pull-up Workout" with Bridgers, Tovar and Voigt - [video]


JK said...

15:44 65#,kPU feels good to move again

R. Davis said...

75 lbs, I feel like I looked like a walrus or a seal doing the adjusted version of hands-free push ups.
I think I can officially say my days of knee push ups during warm are over...Ba-Bam!

Ian Randolph said...

Randolph - 9:29 #115

Mike Livergood said...

10:44 rx'd