Thursday, March 17, 2011


CrossFit Games Open 11.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches

The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

CrossFit Games Open 11.1 workout instructions - video [wmv] [mov]

Jason Khalipa 7 rounds + 3 snatches, Laurie Galassi 6 rounds + 27 double-unders (25kg).
Post rounds and fractions of rounds completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.


Enlarge image

Aromas, CA.

"Muscle-Up Progressions" with Carl Paoli by Again Faster Equipment,CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

The History of the CrossFit Games by Reebok - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov - Download Only]

WOD Demo with Laurie Galassi - video [wmv] [mov]

"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."
- Mark Twain

1 comment:

Mike Livergood said...

3 rounds 30 Double unders and 5 power snatch