Friday, May 29, 2009


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

Remember Crossfit Warm up!

10 95 lb Thrusters
Run 200m (out to the fire hydrant and back)

CrossFit Kids with Eric Oconnor, CrossFit Park City - video [wmv] [mov]

Lunchtime Snatching Session with Mike Burgener by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]


Ali said...

5 1/3 rounds- 65lbs 1 round 45 the rest - reg push ups...I wanted to die thanks livergood :)

Nate B said...

5 2/3 - 95lbs 2 rounds 65 3 rounds
Library rail HSPU

Mike Livergood said...

6 rounds 95lbs. HSPU 2 rnds, 4 rnds on library rail.

Meli said...

6(2/3)55lb nice Mike

Nate said...

7 rounds rx'd

Val said...

8 1/3 rounds at 65lbs and library rail for hspu