Thursday, April 2, 2009


Four rounds for time:

Run 400m
21 Kettlebell swings 11/2 pood (24k)
12 Cleans 95lbs

Post time to comments:

Ben and Eric loving Fight Gone Bad!

I am thinking that when we have some decent weather it will be time for a CrossFit BBQ!


Eric said...

Scaled to 16/75. The cleans worked me over.


Nate said...

Ian says he's sorry forbeing a slacker and missing out on the fabulous crossfit workouts. He says he will wake up at the butt crack of dawn to resume the brutal regime

Mike Livergood said...

Ian, where the hell you been?

Mike Livergood said...

Mine WOD was shorted due to a massive night of busyness with my boys.
18:09 3 rounds