Tuesday, March 3, 2009



Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Post time for each of five rounds to comments.

Compare to: 090127

"Hmm Olmy isn't putting out, is he?" Front Squats another chink in his armor!

Muscle Actions Part 1 by Mark Rippetoe, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]


Mike Livergood said...

hmm, some faster some slower, last three rounds slower.

Eric said...

I just had my first Crossfit-induced hurl.

3:07, 3:37, 4:10, 4:55, 5:30

I tried to keep good form throughout, but may have blown it judging by my times. Either way, it was a killer.

Mike Livergood said...

So you've met Mr. Puky! Barbara has been known to do that. I hope you both don't get along too well. Would have loved to have seen this wod.

Ian said...

4:26, 5:04, 6:04, 5:48, 6:02